The Ideas and Thoughts of the Fukura Sake Brewery Co., Ltd

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Fukura Sake Brewery has decided to start in-house sake production (by employees) from the 2007 brewing year.
The person in charge of production belongs to the Izumo Toji Association, and will continue to work on sake production while carrying on the tradition of the Izumo Toji.

The brewing process will be reviewed from the basics, and improvements will be made where possible, with the aim of creating sake that lives up to the “traditional sake brewing tradition inherited from the Meiji Era“.

We will continue to cherish the traditional sake brewing process inherited from the Meiji Era, and will continue to brew sake utilizing the blessed land and water.

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For the Tokutei Meishu, we mainly use Yamada-Nishiki rice grown under contract with a young Atsushi farmer from the neighboring town of Misasa, and Tamasakae rice grown by contract farmers in the town that is suitable for sake brewing.

The rice is grown only in the San’in region, where the water is clean, and brings a special brilliance to the sake brewing process.

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